En vrac et en désordre

C'est mon blog à moi même. Je vais y écrire plein de choses vraiment pas intéressantes, si j'en prends le temps. Après je l'enverrai à tous mes amis qui s'en foutent et "ça sera super".

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Holidays in Ashford

In early December, I went to see my friends Mike and Misako in Ashford. It was great. We had a lovely time together.
I also saw catherine, Ansar, John, Paul and Josh.
Everytime I go and see them, (actually everytime I go abroad, wherever it is) I have this weird, oppressive, worrying and depressing feeling that I would love to live my life travelling around the globe. I would work in Europe from London to Barcelona and visit South America, learn some more spanish, get to know people and experience a different culture. In exotic countries I would discover what it is like to be more relaxed and take it easy, in Japan, I'd eat noodles and Miso soup. I'd walk the Great Wall of China, get tanned in Mauricius, learn German in Munich during the beer festival, sleep in Rajhastan palaces, meet cousins in Quebec, etc. Not really the kind of happy but peaceful, still and quiet life I have at the moment.
You can't have the best of both worlds. I have chosen, I have made my mind, but still, it is hard to surrender to the idea that it is for good, that I have sketched my way and the path is leading me to happy family life in the nice French countryside, eating fresh baguette, full flavoured cheese such as my favourite Camembert and absolutely gorgeous red wine...
I sometimes need to get away from it all. Is it because I need to see it from outside to realize, each time, how lucky I am? I don't know, but I do think so.
Anyway, I am a new sensation bulimic, a change addict, a love seeker. I am not interested in many things but new people, landscapes, cultures, habits, food, etc. Everything which is new to me in everyday life and defines somebody else's. Not cumputer thing or technical aspects though...Hum....? Is that a good way of describing it? Dunno...
Anyway, they were great days with my friends as I love to spend them. I wish we could have more (but would not that mean enjoying them less)?
See my pictures of my frinds there.


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